If you travel by train and get off in San Benedetto del Tronto train station, you might want to use our paid pick-up service.
If you travel by plane and arrive at Ancona airport (85km away) or Pescara (70km away), you might want to book our paid shuttle service.
Where we are
Via Parini, 34
Grottammare (AP) 63013
(+39) 0735 581354
(+39) 375 7062561
(+39) 335 5726622
Write to us
Request information
Whether you dream of a holiday tailor-made to your needs or whether you look for experiences to live, alone or together with your loved ones, Relais Concorde is your ideal destination for your stay in the Marche Region.
From when you enter to when you leave you’ll be pampered with hospitality, kindness and care.
Via Parini, 34 – Grottammare (AP) 63013
(+39) 0735 581354